Saturday, January 13, 2007

Shortage of equipments in labour room in Sultania hospital in state capital

By Rani Sharma. Dainik Bhaskar, Bhopal, January 13, 2007

Sultania ladies hospital was provided with funds to the tune of Rupees fifty lakhs to provide for new fully equipped labour room. Though the new room has been constructed but lacks basic equipments and is non functional. Under RCH II scheme new model labour rooms was sanctioned in Aug 2005 for the five medical colleges and funds had been allocated to the tune of crores (app 2.5 crores). But still labour room at the hospital in the state capital is not functioning.

The new labour room needs to have 2 ventilators, 5 cardiac monitor, 2 ECG machines, 1 defibrillator, pulse oxymeter and delivery table. Sulatnia hospital does not have neo –natalogy care unit. The children in case of need are referred to Kamla Nehru Hospital. M.M. Upadhyaya Principal Secretary Health & Family Welfare of Government of Madhya Pradesh, when contacted said that he was not aware of the situation said he will try and see to to that it could be started immediately.

(Adpated from hindi news in Dainik Bhaskar, Bhopal, January 13, 2007)


Anonymous said...

why these principal secretaries never aware of the situation and it is media or someone fron NGO which informs them. What is the department doing ?

Anonymous said...

this is real good blog and updated regularly, easey to search on web, excellent work and great stories on this blog. please keep doing yeo man job